Wednesday 1 August 2012

Petition to save a brave dog's life!

Another poor dog wrongly accused and whose life is at risk. A puppy, Champ, bit intruders who came into the dog's garden. This was on private property and the dog did what is expected of him. The intruders had no reason to be in the owner's garden.

Find the full story here:

Save the Irrawaddy Dolphin from Extinction!

Please click here to sign the petition to save the Irrawaddy dolphin from extinction.
'Conservation group WWF is calling for urgent action to prevent the extinction of freshwater dolphins in the Mekong River, estimating 85 Irrawaddy dolphins left in Cambodia and Laos. The Mekong River Irrawaddy dolphin has been listed as critically endangered since 2004.
Habitat destruction, low calf survival rates, and fishing net entanglements are the biggest threats.'

Locals must drastically change the way they fish (how about stopping entirely!) and ban net-fishing to give the dolphins a chance of survival.
Thank you for signing.

Petition time!

Please spend a couple seconds signing this petition to stop deforestation of a rainforest to plant a palm oil plantation (palm oil is used needlessly in YOUR cosmetics and more)! Thank you.
Also, please check the ingredients of everything you buy and don't buy it if it has palm oil listed! The world thanks you. :)

Take action and stop being a part of the problem!

Click here to stop rainforest destruction in Cameroon.